Should I use a postpartum girdle, yes or no? Benefits and how to use it

Wearing a postpartum girdle: yes or no?
This doubt is quite common among pregnant women and women who have just given birth who are worried about recovering their figure in a healthy and safe way.
During pregnancy and after childbirth, a woman's body experiences many physical changes, all of which can affect her well-being and mood.
Postpartum girdles are a type of underwear specifically designed to help women recover after childbirth by reducing swelling, reducing pain and providing stability.Although it is not always necessary to wear a postpartum girdle during pregnancy, during the third trimester some pregnant women suffer from lower back and back pain. This type of garment, reinforced in the abdomen and sides, can be useful to prevent pelvic injuries, keep the belly in place, facilitate posture and, ultimately, offer greater comfort and freedom of movement in those last weeks before delivery.
The recommendation for a postpartum girdle, whether to use it or not, or how to choose it depends on each woman, but it is always an option that you should keep in mind.
Is it normal to have a swollen belly after giving birth?
Let's start at the beginning: to the question of whether it is normal to have a swollen belly after giving birth, the answer is, of course it is!
During pregnancy, the uterus increases significantly in size, and this causes other organs in the abdominal region (such as the intestine or stomach) to have to "reposition" themselves to allow for the growth and development of the embryo.
These changes occur relatively quickly, and the woman is practically unaware of them, but the opposite process (during the postpartum period) is very different.
The “return to normal” begins shortly after giving birth, with the so-called “afterpains,” which are contractions that cause the uterus to decrease in size.
However, the rest of the abdominal structures cannot return to their position so abruptly, largely because the muscles of the abdominal wall have lost strength throughout the pregnancy.
How do you lose your belly after giving birth?
Losing the belly and getting your figure back after giving birth can take quite a while, so the general recommendation for the first few weeks is to follow a proper, balanced diet and go for walks with the baby, as it is not possible to do any other exercise until the pelvic floor is well strengthened.
In addition, in case of cesarean section, mothers should not make any abdominal efforts during the first month.
For this reason, many women decide to use the postpartum girdle to reduce swelling and feel better about their appearance and themselves.
This garment should be seen as an aid to diet and a gradual return to an active life, but never as an exclusive method to regain your figure or even lose weight.
Is it good to use a postpartum girdle?
Whether it is bad or good to wear a postpartum girdle depends on each woman and her circumstances.
Furthermore, before using it, you should speak to your doctor to receive appropriate instructions on its suitability or how and for how long to use it.

In any case, some of the benefits of the postpartum girdle are:
- Reduces postpartum pain thanks to abdominal compression.
- It prevents pain in the spine, as the abdominal muscles are weaker and the back is subjected to a greater load.
- Facilitates posture during breastfeeding.
- Accelerates the recovery of abdominal diastasis (separation of the muscles due to expansion of the abdomen).
- Reduces seroma formation (in case of cesarean sections). Seroma is an accumulation of fluids under the skin that is healing and may require surgery to remove.
- It helps to slim down the figure. Looking better improves the self-esteem and well-being of the new mother, who has more confidence to carry out her daily activities.
In which cases is it not advisable to wear a girdle postpartum? Are there any contraindications?
Postpartum girdles are completely safe and have no medical contraindications, but they should be used with some caution.
For example, in cases of vaginal birth, it is not always advisable to use a postpartum girdle after giving birth: although many women put it on in the hospital, after giving birth and physiologically, the muscles and organs of the abdomen tend to be in a fairly anatomical and natural position.
For this reason, some doctors do not enter into the dilemma of" wearing a postpartum girdle, yes or no", but recommend starting to use it a few days before completing the quarantine.
On the other hand, prolonged use of this type of compression garment can prevent the muscles in the abdominal area from working on their own, delaying “natural” recovery and prolonging episodes of incontinence, genital prolapses or hemorrhoids.
In addition, it is always essential to choose the right size for each woman, not only for comfort, but because high compression restricts movement and can cause inflammation.
How to choose the best postpartum girdle: everything you need to know
The postpartum girdle directly influences the well-being and comfort of women who have just become mothers.
Choosing one model or another will depend on:
- The type of delivery (vaginal or cesarean).
- The size and physiognomy of women.

There are several models of postpartum girdles on the market.
Tubular girdles are the best option for vaginal births with stitches due to tearing or episiotomy, since increased sweating in the crotch area can negatively affect the scar.
However, women of size XL may feel more comfortable with other types of girdles that also help compress their thighs.
In these cases or in cesarean sections, post-surgical panties offer reinforcement and greater control in the lower abdomen and waist.
If you are looking for a more versatile model, we recommend a postpartum girdle with side velcro that adapts to the body depending on the level of control you prefer or the swelling.
The best postpartum girdles

Why choose Leonisa postpartum girdles?
Leonisa is a leading brand in the manufacture of compression underwear.
Our postpartum girdles are made with PowerSlim,an exclusive compression material that helps the skin in its recovery process.
Also recommended after other surgeries such as abdominoplasty, liposuction and hysterectomy, the postpartum girdle panty with side velcrohas a "classic" high-rise panty, with strong control in the upper, middle and lower abdomen, and smooth elastic fabric in the back for greater comfort.
Easy to put on and discreet, our postpartum girdle with side velcro straps guarantees the perfect fit (four levels of support) and has eyelets on the back so you can combine it with a nursing bra.
At Leonisa we adapt to your specific needs at each stage of your life.
Explore our online catalog and find the best postpartum girdle!
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