Post Surgery Panties - Best Post Surgical Garments for Women

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6 products

Compression Panties for Recovery after Surgical Procedures

After childbirth or abdominal surgery, your doctor may recommend the use of compression panties to assist in a speedy and improved recovery.

Depending on the type of operation you are recovering from, you may require a high-waisted postoperative girdle, starting from the base of the chest with strong abdominal control, or a high-waisted medium-support panty for surgeries in the pelvic or abdominal area, which is also indicated for ostomies.

Postoperative girdle panties are specially designed for your recovery. We offer different models based on your needs. Choose your compression panties with strong control or adjustable systems that allow adaptation to the compression level you require.

Postpartum Girdle, Restoring Muscles after Pregnancy and Childbirth

Postpartum girdle will provide you with comfort and support, aiding in the recovery of your muscles after pregnancy.

These medium-compression panties are designed to accompany you in the process of physical recovery, adjusting as your figure gradually returns to its pre-pregnancy state. You will feel comfortable and secure.